CT and 3D printing improving clinical PPE

Frontline medical workers put themselves at risk during a pandemic to deliver critical health care and save lives. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, and face shields can reduce the risk of infection. To prevent contamination through airborne droplets, healthcare workers can employ an air-purifying respirator to push filtered air into their face shield or hood.

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Stent-electrode array for cortical neural activity

Minimally invasive endovascular stent-electrode array for high-fidelity, chronic recordings of cortical neural activity

This news has been contributed by Assoc. Prof. Bradford Moffat of the Melbourne Brain Centre Imaging Unit, Department of Radiology and Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Parkville.

National Imaging Facility Fellow, Assoc. Prof. Bradford Moffat collaborated with Dr. Tom Oxley’s group at the University of Melbourne for this high profile publication[1] that appeared in the journal “Nature Biotechnology”.

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