NIF Governance

NIF operates in an Unincorporated Joint Venture (UJV) structure, governed by a small skills-based independent board that is advised by a committee of partners and various committees. 

NIF Organisation

Governing Board

The Governing Board provides NIF strategic direction and monitors its performance. It oversees and reviews financial management and activities. The board is led by Chair, Professor Margaret Harding.

NIF Board Chair
NIF Board Member
NIF Board Member
NIF Board Member
NIF Board Member
NIF Board Member
Profile photo of Dr Erol Harvey
NIF Board Member

Partner Advisory Committee

The Partner Advisory Committee (PAC) provides strategic advice to the Board on institutional, state and national issues that impact the delivery of NIF as an international leader in national imaging capability. The committee advises on local and national research and the funding policy environment. The PAC also leads research strategies to ensure coordinated co-investment occurs in a collaborative and cohesive national network.

Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is NIF’s primary scientific and technical committee. The SAC delivers scientific and technical expertise in NIF strategic planning including current and future infrastructure capabilities. The committee delivers and develops national and international collaborative activities and partnerships within the NIF nodes, National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) capabilities and international research infrastructure providers. It advises on strategies to maximise and optimise the usage of NIF facilities including industry partnerships. The SAC strengthens and elevates NIF as an internationally leading capability in imaging expertise.

Thematic Groups

The NIF thematic groups, which were established in 2017 to simplify the interface between NIF and user community, include Molecular Imaging and Radiochemistry, Human Imaging, and Animals, Plants, and Materials Imaging. The themes, which are comprised of NIF Fellows, other members of NIF nodes, and users, facilitate better engagement between NIF and users and ensure that the strategic direction of the NIF capability is aligned with the needs of the users.

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