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Found 86 Results

Kris Thurecht

Queensland Node Director, UQ

Sharna Jamadar

Monash Biomedical Imaging Deputy Node Director

Arush Arun

University of Queensland Fellow

Kenneth Hong

UNSW Radiochemistry Fellow

Andrew King

UNSW Facility Fellow (Radiochemistry)

Anthony Paproki

Queensland NIF Node Facility Fellow

Katie Davey

University of Melbourne PET Informatics Fellow

David Wright

Monash Biomedical Imaging Deputy Node Director

David McAlpine

Macquarie University Node Director

Shenjun Zhong

Monash University Informatics Fellow

Gang Zheng

Monash University Facility Fellow

Parisa Zakavi

Monash University Facility Fellow

Angela Walls

SAHMRI Facility Fellow

Rob Williams

University of Melbourne Facility Fellow

Will Woods

Swinburne University of Technology Facility Fellow

Hiu Lam

SAHMRI Facility Fellow

Ekaterina Salimova

Monash University Facility Fellow

Jennifer Rumbel

University of Newcastle - HMRI Facility Fellow

Tim Rosenow

University of Western Australia Facility Fellow

Lidia Matesic

ANSTO Facility Fellow

Hiu Lam

SAHMRI Facility Fellow

Joseph Ioppolo

University of Western Australia Facility Fellow (Radiochemistry)

Judy Zhu

Macquarie University Facility Fellow

Sjoerd Vos

University of Western Australia Facility Fellow

Michael de Veer

Monash University Facility Fellow

Tim Stait-Gardner

Western Sydney University Facility Fellow

Rob Smith

The Florey Facility Fellow

Brad Moffat

University of Melbourne Facility Fellow

Aswin Narayanan

Queensland NIF Node Informatics Fellow

Diana Patalwala

University of Western Australia Facility Fellow

Karine Mardon

Queensland NIF Node Facility Fellow

Kh Tohidul Islam

Monash University Facility Fellow

Tzong-Tyng Hung

University of NSW Facility Fellow

Matthew Hughes

Swinburne University of Technology Facility Fellow

Arif Gulzar

University of Queensland Facility Fellow

Michael Green

University of NSW - NeuRA Facility Fellow

Gail Durbridge

Queensland NIF Node Facility Fellow

Heidi Espedal

University of Western Australia Facility Fellow

Yaser Gholami

University of Sydney/ANSTO Facility Fellow

Ryan O’Hare Doig

SAHMRI Facility Fellow

John Doan

University of NSW Facility Fellow

Arkiev D’Souza

University of Sydney Neuroimaging Analysis Fellow

Gary Cowin

Queensland NIF Node Facility Fellow

Guy Cameron

University of Newcastle - HMRI Facility Fellow

Jun Cao

University of NSW - NeuRA Facility Fellow

Miao Cao

Swinburne University of Technology Informatics Fellow

Tom Close

University of Sydney/ANSTO Informatics Fellow

Ingrid Burvenich

La Trobe University - ONJCRI Facility Fellow

Robert Brkljaca

Monash University Facility Fellow

Andre Bongers

UNSW Facility Fellow

Christoph Barkhausen

Queensland NIF Node Fellow

Maggie Aulsebrook

Monash University Facility Fellow

Georgios Angelis

University of Sydney/ANSTO Facility Fellow

Uwe Ackermann

University of Melbourne Facility Fellow

David Abbott

The Florey Informatics Fellow

Adam O’Connell

SAHMRI Node Director, PIRL

Steven Meikle

University of Sydney Node Director

Erol Harvey

NIF Governing Board Member

Karen Reynolds

NIF Governing Board Member

Chien Ho

NIF Governing Board Member

Paul Bonnington

NIF Governing Board Member

Anne-Marie Lansdown

NIF Governing Board Member

Karen Jones

NIF Governing Board Member

Margaret Harding

NIF Governing Board Chair

Andrew Scott

La Trobe University - ONJCRI Node Director

Saadallah Ramadan

University of Newcastle - HMRI Node Director

Caroline (Lindy) Rae

UNSW Node Director, NeuRA

Bill Price

Western Sydney University Node Director

Carl Power

UNSW Node Director, BRIL

Paul Parizel

Western Australian NIF Node Director

Katie McMahon

Queensland Node Director, HIRF

John Magnussen

Macquarie University Node Director

Tom Johnstone

Swinburne Neuroimaging Node Director

Leigh Johnston

University of Melbourne Node Director

Christoph Hagemeyer

Monash Biomedical Imaging Node Director

Roslyn Francis

Western Australian NIF Node Director

Andrew Dwyer

SAHMRI Node Director, CRIC

Fernando Calamante

University of Sydney Node Director

Michael Breakspear

University of Newcastle - HMRI Node Director

John Bennett

ANSTO Node Director

Peter Bugeia

National Coordinator - Data

Shawna Farquharson

Senior Scientist and National Coordinator - MRI

Sarah Flaim

Chief Operating Officer

Wojtek Goscinski

Chief Executive Officer

David Vaughan

The Florey Co-Node Director

Heath Pardoe

The Florey Node Co-Director