Erol Harvey

NIF Governing Board Member

Dr Erol Harvey has been involved in the commercial and academic development of micro and nano production techniques for more than 20 years and is currently Head of Strategy and Translation at the Bionics Institute.

Erol was trained originally in laser and plasma physics. In 2002, he founded MiniFAB, a product development company and OEM volume manufacturer of polymer-based microfluidic, lab-on-a-chip diagnostic devices for clients around the world. He has worked in technological and commercial applications across a wide range of industries including biomedical diagnostics, implants, inkjet printers, microfluidics, solar panels, flat-screen displays, corrosion monitoring, elite athlete instrumentation, and space applications.

Erol has been on many Australian Government committees, both at the Commonwealth and State level and currently serves as Chair of the Industry and Innovation Forum of ATSE (Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering). He assists with commercialisation strategies and government liaison for Australian universities and research organisations, mentors several medtech start-up entrepreneurs and has been involved in starting more than 17 companies and not-for-profit organisations.

In 2012, Erol was awarded Enabling Technology Entrepreneur of the Year by the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame in recognition for his achievements in entrepreneurship.  In 2018, he was awarded the Clunies Ross Entrepreneur of the Year.