Heidi Espedal

University of Western Australia Facility Fellow

Heidi Espedal is a Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, where she is the National Imaging Facility (NIF) fellow overseeing the new human PET-CT scanner being installed in the Western Australian NIF node.

Heidi has a biomedical background with a BSc in Biochemistry (University of Stavanger, Norway), MSc in Medical Cell Biology and a PhD in Neuro-Oncology (both University of Bergen, Norway, 2015). From 2015 and until joining NIF, Heidi was the platform leader of the preclinical PET-CT facilities at the Molecular Imaging Center (MIC), University of Bergen. Heidi established the preclinical MRI and PET imaging platform for gynecological cancer as part of her postdoctoral research project. Heidi has an ongoing research collaboration for gynecological cancer with the Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre (MMIV) at Haukeland University Hospital and University of Bergen, Norway.

Heidi’s research interest include dynamic PET imaging techniques and improved quantitative image analyses.

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