Gary Cowin

Queensland NIF Node Facility Fellow

Dr Cowin develops new MR based projects on Bruker (9.4T large animal, 16.4T small animal micro-imaging system and 7T ClinScan systems) and Siemens human MRI systems (1.5T and 3T clinical and 7T research systems) for Human and Animal studies. He is also developing simultaneous PET and MRI imaging on the world’s first commercial prototype of a preclinical combined PET/MRI system. He has extensive experience investigating fat localisation and mobilisation, extending image resolution on ultra-high field Animal (16.4T) and Human (7T) MRI systems, prostate, liver and spinal cord research including spectroscopy, diffusion and anatomical imaging. Dr Cowin is experienced in various aspects of MRI QA, including effects of gradient non-linearity on image quality. He is developing hyperpolarised gas lung imaging in both human and animals, obtaining the first Helium images in Australia.

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