Fernando Calamante

University of Sydney Node Director

Professor Fernando Calamante is the Director of Sydney Imaging, the biomedical imaging Core Research Facility at the University of Sydney. He is also a Professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering. After he finished his BSc degree in Physics in Argentina, he went to study MRI in the UK as a Chevening Scholar (The British Council), where he later carried out his PhD at University College London. He relocated to Australia in 2005, where he spent 12 years at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health and the University of Melbourne. Fernando joined the University of Sydney in 2018. His main areas of research are Perfusion MRI and Diffusion MRI, and their applications to neurology and neuroscience. He has gained international recognition for his work on Perfusion MRI in particular, which is highly cited and at the forefront of the field. His Diffusion MRI methods are also widely used worldwide. Fernando has been elected to a number of leadership positions within the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), included as Vice President-Elect in 2019.

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