Our Capabilities

We make cutting-edge imaging accessible to Australian and international medical researchers, and materials and agricultural scientists, enabling them to solve major challenges in research and industry.

Our capabilities cover flagship imaging equipment, expertise, tools, data and analysis.

  • Advanced Human Imaging
  • Preclinical and Frontier Imaging
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
  • Data Collections and Partnerships

Access policy

We encourage program and project leaders, researchers, clinicians, and industry project leaders to contact us about using NIF’s capabilities.

There are four steps:


four steps

Consulting and Expertise

NIF’s work continues to expand Australia’s world-leading community of imaging experts, and imaging’s applicability across increasingly complex research and industrial applications.

Our imaging technology can magnify the productivity and impact of outstanding researchers, but it is sophisticated and difficult to use, requiring human operators with extensive imaging expertise.

consulting diagram

Instrument access

The NIF Portfolio of more than 50 instruments and accessories span the continuum of small and large animal imaging, through human imaging, to highly specialised capabilities for agriculture, materials science, museums and cultural applications.

Instrument Access

Clinical trials

NIF helps translate research ideas into real outcomes that address national health priorities, including through large-cohort imaging projects and multisite clinical trials. Our trials cover humans, animals, plants and materials.






Contact us

Get in touch with us about your ideas for a clinical trial.