National Imaging Facility Strategy
2024 – 2028

Vision: Enable Australian imaging science to unlock solutions to major challenges.


Mission: Make cutting-edge imaging capabilities accessible to Australian researchers and industry to enable significant impacts on national health challenges and to accelerate Australian innovation.


Goal: Strengthen Australia’s community of world-leading imaging experts and users.

Driver: World-leading imaging magnifies the productivity and impact of outstanding researchers, but it is sophisticated and difficult to use, requiring experts with deep imaging knowledge.


  • Transition to a new expertise model that is scalable, sustainable, and flexible.
  • Advocate for the critical role of imaging research infrastructure experts and leaders in imaging and its applications.
  • Expand Australia’s community of users through training and increasing accessibility.


Goal: Keep Australia at the forefront of physical imaging research infrastructure.

Driver: Imaging is transforming scientific discovery and medical science.


  • Maintain and grow capability in transformative imaging technologies.
  • Build national imaging capacity to answer questions that benefit Australia’s diverse population.
  • Prioritise technology investments for innovation and international comparative advantage.


Goal: Facilitate the translation of research to benefit national health challenges and the broader economy.

Driver: Imaging is a core technology for translating research, and strongly aligns with policy objectives of the Australian and state governments.


  • Invest in the infrastructure and people that help translate research.
  • Support an end-to-end imaging translation pipeline that helps move research through to practice in the health system, product development or commercialisation.
  • Support and promote the impact of imaging research.


Goal: Generate valuable imaging data collections that answer important medical research questions.

Driver: Imaging data collections are exploding in size and complexity, while artificial intelligence techniques can provide researchers a wealth of new knowledge.


  • Partner with organised research communities to create national imaging data assets.
  • Operate national-scale digital research infrastructure for imaging to help facilities and their users tackle data challenges.
  • Foster the application of artificial intelligence methods to imaging data.


Goal: Ensure that NIF has the partnerships and resources to deliver on its vision.

Driver: The increased demand for imaging capabilities in science, medicine and industry requires strong collaboration and funding to operate effectively and deliver maximum impact.


  • Operate as an accessible, national-scale research imaging platform.
  • Collaborate with Australian communities that are addressing national challenges and like-minded international organisations.
  • Attract and leverage diverse investment to maximise NIF’s capacity and capability.