Research Australia tours NIF’s UWA Node

On Wednesday 14 August, NIF’s UWA Node welcomed a visit by Research Australia as part of a University Roundtable. Our NIF Fellows showcased UWA’s cutting-edge instruments and best practice imaging processes throughout the tour of our advanced human imaging and preclinical facilities.

Prof Russel Gruen (College of Health and Medicine, ANU) then chaired a University Roundtable meeting, hosted by Prof Romola Bucks and Prof Anna Nowak (UWA), and Prof Peter Leedman (Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research).

Director of UWA’s NIF Node Prof Paul Parizel thanks Dr Talia Avrahamzon (Research Australia’s upcoming new Head of Policy) and Nadia Levin (CEO and Managing Director, Research Australia) for visiting our facilities and hearing about the impact of the Australian Government Department of Education‘s NCRIS.