National Imaging Facility receives $1.6m NSW Government funding to advance medical research

New South Wales (NSW) Chief Scientist and Engineer, Prof Hugh Durrant-Whyte, has announced $1.6 million will be invested in National Imaging Facility (NIF) capabilities through the NSW NCRIS Support Program.

This State Government funding leverages Australian Government NCRIS and consolidated NIF NSW-based Partner co-investment of $3.5 million each, bringing the total project value to $8.6 million.

NIF’s NSW-based Partners include ANSTO, Macquarie University, the University of Newcastle, University of New South Wales (including Research Imaging NSW and Neuroscience Research Australia), the University of Sydney and Western Sydney University.

The NCRIS Support Program co-invests to enable the delivery of essential research and innovation infrastructure in NSW, funded under the Australian Government Department of Education’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

This funding will accelerate NIF’s translation efforts across research, health, innovation, and industry sectors. Investment in highly skilled imaging research infrastructure specialists is critical for achieving this goal.

The co-investment will also build essential radiochemistry capability in NSW, supporting the development of molecular imaging technologies, and the commercialisation of novel and personalised nuclear medicine products such as theranostics for cancer treatment.

Molecular imaging and radiopharmaceuticals play a key role in drug discovery, providing essential information on metabolism, biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and target engagement which are all essential for drug development.

Prof Michael Kassiou (University of Sydney) is pioneering the translation of drug discovery through to commercialisation for challenging neurological disorders and cardiovascular disease.

“NIF facilities have enabled me to develop new radiopharmaceuticals to probe questions on the relevance of specific drug targets in disease process. This is key in driving discovery into new therapeutics,” Prof Kassiou said.

He also emphasised the value of NCRIS infrastructure for Australian researchers, ensuring international competitiveness while benefiting Australia’s reputation and economy.

Prof Durrant-Whyte said the NCRIS Support Program recognises the vital role NCRIS facilities play in supporting the state’s research and development sector.

“These facilities enable the most advanced research and commercialisation opportunities to happen right here in NSW. These activities are a critical driver for innovation in the state’s economy,” Prof Durant said.

Read the announcement from the NSW Government here