University of Newcastle – Hunter Medical Research Institute


The University of Newcastle node is located at the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) Imaging Centre. This node links directly Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD), HMRI and university researchers to regional and rural communities, facilitated through the University’s established regional research engagement programs in rural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.

HMRI Imaging Centre delivers important translational imaging research for the University and wider Hunter region and with research capabilities it bridges the gap between urban, regional and rural communities. The Imaging Centre is leading a number of unique research studies of relevance to Indigenous peoples, including early detection of intrauterine growth restriction; impact of prenatal maternal physical activity on foetal neurodevelopment; mechanisms of cognitive ageing; and addressing the burden of hearing loss. The Imaging Centre is collaborating with national Indigenous researchers on innovative research into Indigenous medicinal plants and  Indigenous place based narrative memory techniques. Through growing this profile, the Imaging Centre aims to be a leader in Indigenous health research that will support Indigenous ownership of research and assist in closing the gap.

The HMRI, HNELHD and University of Newcastle host a wide portfolio of imaging-based multidisciplinary biomedical research spanning translational projects in cancer, dementia, psychosis, inflammatory diseases, neurodegenerative and cardiorespiratory disease; basic discovery research; and technical developments in sequence optimization and implementation. With strong partnerships with industry and pharmaceutical companies, the HMRI Imaging Centre provides innovative imaging services for longitudinal multiple sclerosis studies (Biogen, Novartis, Roche), psychosis (HMRI and Rainbow Foundation) in addition to offending behaviour (the Kirby Institute) and dementia (the Australian Dementia Network, ADNeT).


Hunter Medical Research Institute

Lot 1 Kookaburra Cct
New Lambton Heights NSW 2305


A/Prof Saad Ramadan

HMRI Imaging Centre Director


Phone: (02) 4042 0573
