Radiochemistry laboratories



Alpha Radiopharmaceutical Facility: The ANSTO Node is establishing a new facility to enable the development and translation of alpha-emitting therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.

Reactor-produced beta-emitting radioisotopes: The ANSTO Node is focused on emerging opportunities in radioisotope technologies, radiolabelling methods for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, and the growing field of theranostics, taking advantage of ready access to radioisotopes produced in the OPAL reactor.

Monash Biomedical Imaging

MBI’s radiochemistry facilities feature shielded workspaces for automated and manual radiosynthetic work. The facilities are supported by a radioanalytical suite with a range of instruments enabling cutting-edge research. The radiochemistry facilities include a synthesis hot cell; a shielded radiochemistry fume hood; on-site germanium-68/gallium-68 generator; radio-HPLC and radio-TLC analytical instruments; fully automated gamma counter; a cryostat, a biomolecular imager, a twilite, a scintillation counter, access to a range of PET and SPECT radionuclides; access to commercially available radiotracers and radiopharmaceuticals; product development services with experience in labelling of small molecules, peptides and antibodies with a range of radiohalogens and radiometals for imaging and therapy studies; advice in the design and synthesis of radiotracers for imaging and radiotherapy; and animal holding areas for recovery experiments.

Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute

Researchers have access to expertise (radiopharmaceutical scientists, scientists with expertise in cell biology, preclinical models and imaging) as well as to radiochemistry facilities including cyclotron and genetator produced short half-life (eg 11C, 13N, 68Ga, 18F) and long half-life (eg 89Zr, 124I, 64Cu, 86Y) PET radionuclides, as well as SPECT radionuclides, R&D hot cells and synthesis modules, and full QC equipment. Hot cell and radiochemistry equipment for development of beta and alpha radionuclides (eg 177Lu, 225Ac) is also available for preclinical and clinical studies. Our equipment include preclinical PET/3T MRI, SPECT/CT and IVIS systems. These facilities and expertise permit development of a range of radiolabelled probes ranging from small molecules, peptides, proteins, lipids to antibodies.

Western Australian NIF Node

WANIF Radiopharmaceuticals is partnered with RAPID, the cyclotron laboratory at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, next door to the NIF facility.

The WA NIF Node staff provide the expertise and know-how to allow researchers a choice of PET radiopharmaceuticals, which is an important aspect to consider for any PET imaging study.

Molecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit

The Molecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit (MITRU) is dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of radiopharmaceuticals. MITRU houses South Australia’s only cyclotron and is licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as a manufacturer of radiopharmaceuticals which can be accessed for research purposes including clinical trials. MITRU is actively involved in researching new radiopharmaceuticals to target, image and treat diseases of high burden to Australia.