Governance and Executive

Our independent governance structure

NIF is governed by an independent Board and managed by a central team. It operates as an Unincorporated Joint Venture (UJV) of 14 partner organisations across Australia.

governance structure

Governing Board

The Governing Board provides NIF with strategic direction and monitors its performance. It oversees and reviews its financial management and activities.

The Governing Board is led by Chair Professor Margaret Harding.

Central Office

The Central Office provides leadership, operational support, coordination, and marketing expertise to support our Partners; and ensures NIF operates efficiently at a national level.

Advisory committees

Partner Advisory Committee

The Partner Advisory Committee (PAC) provides strategic advice to the Board on institutional, state and national issues that impact the delivery of NIF as an international leader in national imaging capabilities. The committee advises on local and national research, and the funding policy environment. The PAC ensures our network is collaborative, coordinated and cohesive.

Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is NIF’s primary scientific and technical committee, roadmapping NIF’s future path. The SAC delivers scientific and technical expertise in NIF strategic planning – including current and future infrastructure capabilities, and national and international collaborative activities and partnerships. It advises on strategies to maximise and optimise how NIF facilities are used, including industry partnerships. The SAC brings together international experts in imaging; its leadership is critical to NIF’s success.


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