SAHMRI, South Australia’s flagship health and medical research institute, hosts a vast and transformative array of imaging capabilities, from small animal imaging at Bioresources, to impactful and translational large animal imaging at the Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility (LARIF), to pioneering human clinical research imaging at the Clinical and Research Imaging Centre (CRIC).
The Clinical and Research Imaging Centre (CRIC) provides a dedicated capability in basic and translational research. CRIC is uniquely situated on the northern promenade of the SAHMRI building and immediately adjacent to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, at the interface between research and healthcare, providing optimal facilities to support first-in-human studies and clinical trials.
The Molecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit (MITRU) is dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of radiopharmaceuticals. MITRU houses South Australia’s only cyclotron and is licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as a manufacturer of radiopharmaceuticals which can be accessed for research purposes including clinical trials. MITRU is actively involved in researching new radiopharmaceuticals to target, image and treat diseases of high burden to Australia.
The Preclinical, Imaging and Research Laboratories (PIRL) offer preclinical support and expertise for a broad range of university, commercial and biomedical research. The Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility (LARIF) is Australia’s only dedicated large-animal preclinical research imaging facility, which makes it a unique international destination for biomedical research, device testing (accredited to perform research to Good Laboratory Practice) and basic science research. Animal housing, fully operational and staffed operating theatres, and a comprehensive suite of imaging modalities including 3T MRI, PET/CT, fluoroscopy (mobile and cardiac catheterisation laboratory), 4DMedical XVD and Permetium lung ventilation scanners, and mobile radiography, DEXA and ultrasound are available to users. The Bioresources facility, located at SAHMRI’s North Terrace campus, is a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) rodent facility with various imaging modalities available, including optical imaging, PET/SPECT, MRI, micro CT, along with an irradiator.
Northern Pod, SAHMRI Building
North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5000
Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility (LARIF)
101 Blacks Road
Gilles Plains, SA 5086
SAHMRI Building
North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5000
Preclinical, Imaging and Research Laboratories (PIRL)
Contact: Adam O’Connell
Molecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit (MITRU)
12 March 2025
25 August 2024
24 June 2024
10 April 2024
Nicole Reyne, Ronan Smith, Patricia Cmielewski, Nina Eikelis, Mark Lawrence, Jennie Louise, Piraveen Pirakalathanan, David Parsons & Martin Donnelley
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