Bruker Avance Preclinical 16.4T MRI

The 700 MHz wide-bore micro-imaging system is capable of providing extremely detailed images of intact biological specimens. This spectrometer allows live mouse, fixed tissue and sample imaging from 4 mm to 30 mm diameter. Probes are available for imaging proton, fluorine and carbon.Additionally, the Bruker Ultrashield Plus 700 WB Avance NMR spectrometer has a vertical open bore diameter of 89 mm. It has an available space of up to 34 mm diameter, which is optimal for live mouse imaging and various types of ex vivo samples.The scanner is equipped with three types of gradient inserts: micro5, micro2.5 and mini0.5 which provide gradient strengths of 4.8, 2.5 and 0.5 mT/m/A.To achieve highest sensitivity, the scanner is equipped with new generation SAW and quadrature microimaging coils (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 28 and 35 mm diameters). The 5-15 mm coils are suitable for imaging of excised (fixed tissue samples) such as brain, spinal cord and biopsy samples. The 20-35 mm coils are dedicated for mouse live imaging.The 16.4T is also equipped with High Resolution Magic Angle Spectroscopy (HR-MAS), which can be used to obtain 1H, 13C and 31P spectroscopy information from biopsy samples.