Sydney Imaging


The University of Sydney Node’s capabilities span the translational health research pipeline, from benchtop to bedside, with sophisticated imaging capabilities. This node sits within Sydney Imaging Core Research Facility, a biomedical imaging facility with a comprehensive suite of preclinical and clinical imaging modalities and a state-of-the-art hybrid theatre.

Sydney Imaging, in partnership with Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) and NIF, has established the Australian National Total Body PET Facility, located in the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Royal North Shore Hospital. The Facility is Australia’s first research-dedicated Total Body PET, enabling imaging to understand whole-body processes such as novel drug interactions during therapeutic development.

Clinical imaging capabilities also include access to 3T MRI facilities at the Brain and Mind Centre in Camperdown, access via IMED.

Preclinical imaging capabilities include Micro PET for awake animal studies, a PET insert for 3T MRI and a newly commissioned PET-CT.

Researchers will soon have access to radiochemistry facilities to support the development and optimisation of novel and bespoke radiotracers.

Facility staff, along with NIF Research Fellows, support the research user community through assistance with project design, project management, staff/student training and, where appropriate, data analysis.

The University of Sydney is the lead institution for the Australian Imaging Service (AIS) which provides federated access to data and analysis pipelines across the participating XNAT deployments, provided by a single sign-on through the Australian Access Federation.


Brain and Mind Centre

94 Mallett St
Camperdown NSW 2050

Charles Perkins Centre

John Hopkins Dr
Camperdown NSW 2050

Royal North Shore Hospital

Department of Nuclear Medicine
Reserve Rd, St Leonards NSW 2065
