

Centre for Advanced Imaging

The IBA  “Cyclone Twin” cyclotron is capable of accelerating negative hydrogen ions u producing  protons up to a maximum energy of 18 MeV. With two internal ion sources for robustness and eight individual target  ports available, various targets can be selected for proton irradiation    for radioisotope production e.g. carbon-11, fluorine-18, gallium-68, copper-64, iodine-124, zirconium-89, and research & development activities.

Molecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit

The Molecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit (MITRU) is dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of radiopharmaceuticals. MITRU houses South Australia’s only cyclotron and is licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as a manufacturer of radiopharmaceuticals which can be accessed for research purposes including clinical trials. MITRU is actively involved in researching new radiopharmaceuticals to target, image and treat diseases of high burden to Australia.

Western Australian NIF Node

WANIF Radiopharmaceuticals is partnered with RAPID, the cyclotron laboratory at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, next door to the NIF facility.